Tuesday, May 21, 2013

An Introduction.

Hello internet. My name is Cheyanne, and I have a confession to make.

I can't cook.

I never learned how.

I mean, really cook. Sure, I can fry an egg. I can boil pasta. I know how to work a microwave.

But making home-made breads? Eggs Benedict? Sauces that taste better than the ones that come out of the cans I use?

To me, that kind of thing is magic. Magic that a mere muggle like myself can only admire from afar and whine that I can't master it.

Until today.

Until I got off of my lazy butt and decided that TODAY I WILL LEARN HOW TO COOK.
I will learn how to make things that are delicious and impressive. Sweet things that I can tell people did not come from a box. Soup that did not come from a can.

Admittedly, I have a long, long way to go. I thought I could make sesame peanut chicken by coating a chicken in peanut butter, rolling it in sesame seeds, and then pan frying it in oil. (Do not do this, it does not work.)
I tried making flan by adding milk to jello. (I had no concept of what flan really was at the time.) (This also does not work. Do not try at home or anywhere else.)
I didn't know that asparagus came in forms other than in a can and that when it comes fresh it is not a mushy, disgusting mess.

This blog is going to contain two things. First, it will be a record of my journey from -5 star chef to Superstar Cousine Mistress. Second, it will show how I'm going to achieve this goal on a budget. It's not easy to be a foodie when you don't really have the money to buy fresh all the time, but there are ways of making things work and I intend to find them and share them with you.

This is a collaborative effort. I want you, the internet, friends and family, to help me learn how to cook. Please. My fiance' can't live off of microwaved corn dogs forever. (And really, would you want him to?)

If you have any cooking tips, recipes, budgeting tricks, or just a comment on what I could do better, please share. Together, we can eat awesomely.

Who's with me?

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